Bird Watching
Bird watching you! While I enjoy all wildlife, birds are my favorite. From the smallest hummingbird to the largest Eagle, I am always on the lookout for them and I love to see all the new and…
A (Wo)Man’s Best Friend
I’d love to share more about my boys, who I love dearly, but I decided from the very beginning when I started this blog that I would respect their privacy. Other than a few snippets I might…
Only Time Will Tell
It’s been less than three months since I went back to a full-time office job. Admittedly, it seems longer. While I enjoy the work and the people I work with, the day in and day out work…
Friday Favorites: Journaling
If you don’t journal you may have no idea why it’s one of my favorite things. If you do keep a journal, then I feel safe in continuing on with the expectation you will understand completely where…
How do you Unwind on the Weekends?
After a long week at work, what do you do to unwind, shed off the work week and try to enjoy the time off before you have to think about putting on your worker bee hat again?…
Platform Challenge, Days 7 & 8
Happy Easter! I am satisfied after a nice family dinner and I’m tired after a nice long walk to work off some of the extra calories I ate but I’m thankful for what I consider a very…
And the Winner is…
Not me, I’m sorry to say. Am I disappointed? Sure. I was hoping for a phone call or an email telling me how much they liked my short story and wanted to publish it. Am I heartbroken? …
From Hermit to Optimist
I realize I’m tardy with my mid-week post but my blog was put on the back burner because when I had any spare time at all, I had to work on my book. Of course, you might…
The Origin of Ideas
I’ve noticed a trend lately with the production of new movies. The trend seems to be that the ideas behind movies aren’t necessarily “new” anymore. There are a few exceptions, of course, but it appears to me…
Can Mother Nature sign my Absence Slip?
For anyone who has viewed my blog the past six days only to discover I have not added a new post since last Wednesday, there is a reason and I do have a good excuse. Friends and…