Summer Projects Underway!
We’re about half way through the month of July and also about half way through summer and it’s definitely been a busy one so far. Of course, it’s not hard to keep busy because there’s always something…
No Rest for the Weary
This was a crazy, busy weekend and I’m more than thrilled that we still have today to try to catch our breath before we move on to the work week. We celebrated the 4th of July with a…
The Crazy Organizational Fiend in Me
June is just about over…just one more day and then we’re moving on into July, where I’ll be busy with a new writing project along with the time I’ll need to continue with revisions on the third…
- book signing, day job, dogs, family, feelings and fears, hobbies, productivity, time management, writing process
When will there ever be enough time in the day?
I took part in a speaking/book event recently at a local retirement center and, as always, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I had such a good time that by the time my time was up, I felt like…
Can you describe your Dad using just 3 words?
Today is a special day for the special men in our lives; whether it’s your real dad, a step-dad, or maybe a grandfather or uncle who raised you, this is the day when we celebrate our dads.…
A Series Bible…’bout time I made one
Book three in the Jorja Matthews’ mystery series is currently in the middle of revisions and will soon be in the hands of an editor to assist me with making necessary editorial changes before I finally complete…
Getting geared up for summer!
It’s the beginning of June already and the way our weather’s been lately, it feels like summer’s coming in with a bang. I enjoyed myself this weekend, taking a break from the computer and spending most of…
Out with the old blog into the new? Not quite yet.
Lately I’ve been doing a little more research about how other authors have built their author brands and platforms or how they promote and market upcoming releases. It would be so much easier if there was a…
This little Piggy went to Market, this little Piggy stayed Home
Sometimes I wish marketing books were as simple as a trip to the market. Unless you’re one of “those people” who enjoy sales (my husband is one of them, thankfully, because I am not), it really is…
Prepping the summer reading list
How have you been doing with your reading list lately? I think I’ve been doing pretty well and here’s a photo of the books I’ve read most recently: I’ve managed to get through a number of books…