Why’s it so dark? Because my head is back in the sand!
It’s amazing to me how impossible even the smallest tasks can be when you’re fighting thoughts and emotions you can’t quite explain or even want to deal with. It’s a battle that’s both exhausting and mentally time-consuming. …
- day job, family, feelings and fears, NaNoWriMo, productivity, trips and sights I see, writing process
When your life feels like a Lifetime movie
I like Lifetime movies…some of them anyway, so don’t get me wrong. But lately, what I and my family have been going through the past few months has been so surreal, I sometimes feel like I’m watching…
F.E.A.R…to Face Everything And Rise
This was a busy week for me, not only with work and my personal life but also with my writing. Considering that my schedule was all over the place, I impressed myself with the fact that I…
April is proving to be productive
We’re only into day five of April, and Happy Easter by the way, but even after only five days, I’m feeling pretty good about my creative progress so far. I began Camp NaNo on Wednesday and after…
Getting back in the saddle
As I began to write this post, I wondered whether my tone would be any different than my posts since the first of the year. It was immediately evident to me, as I wrote a sentence before…
My best metaphor for writer’s block
It’s been two months since I had to do one of the most difficult things in my entire life…when I had to say goodbye to my dad. It’s been two long months. Some days it still seems…
Straightening out the carpet…one wrinkle at a time.
It’s been just over a month since the world as I knew it changed in a way no one can ever be prepared for. It’s strange to say that it’s only been a month; sometimes it seems…
2014: A Year in Review & Top Blog Posts
Another year is almost over and a new one is about to begin. How did this past year work out for you? Did you accomplish what you expected or are you going to continue tracking your goals…
Making a list…and checking it twice.
I don’t know about you, but this has been a busy month for me and that’s on top of all the holiday prep, shopping and events we always deal with this time of year. And we’re only…
Jorja Matthews, Book #3, is published!
This has been a long year for me and it has taken a bit longer to get the third book in the series published, but the time has finally come…Ties That Bind is now available in paperback…