The tools I use as life shifts between busy, bad and beautiful
If you’re on Facebook, you might receive those posts reminding you of something that happened to you a number of years ago. Today, I was informed that I became friends with my aunt seven years ago…on Facebook,…
Book Clubs = Just what the doctor ordered
I attended a book club meeting yesterday to meet with a terrific group of ladies who are in the process of reading and reviewing the Jorja Matthews mystery series. It was, by far, the most fun I’ve…
Happy Easter, Happy Sunday, or just Happy Day
Whether you are celebrating the Easter holiday with family or just enjoying the day as any other day, I hope you are enjoying yourself. I’m doing a little of both, spending time with family with an extra…
Bye-bye weeds; time to clean out life’s garden bed
It’s the first day of spring – we say goodbye (hopefully) to winter weather and hello to beautiful blossoms and comfortable t-shirt conditions. It’s also the time when we may reflect on what changes we may actually…
Gimme a break…
When you hear the phrase, gimme a break, it may bring a few things to mind: the memory of an old sitcom, a television commercial about a candy bar, or that instant reaction you have when something just…
Focus…one simple word but not always an easy task
I’ve tasked myself with learning something new about writing, blogging or marketing every month. Whether it’s with articles, on-line or in-person classes, books or video tutorials, I want to continue learning when it comes to writing, blogging…
It’s time to clear the clutter again!
It’s that time of year…the time after the holidays when you may realize you’re having a hard time finding room for everything. Or you’re suddenly just tired of all the “stuff” around you, taking up space, cluttering…
Staying on track even if the train wants to derail
It’s almost the end of January…the first month of the New Year after many hopefuls made resolutions they hope to stick to with the idea that this year things will be different than the last. If you…
Starting off the New Year with numbers.
It’s been awhile since I reviewed my stats and what better time to start a habit…new, old, revised, or otherwise…than the first of the year? My plan is to at least continue to check my stats quarterly,…
A New Year reveals a new outlook.
A New Year has once again crept upon us at lightning speed – not possible? This sounds like an oxymoron, I suppose, but it is how the New Year hit me. I would have usually posted at…