How do you travel? Via fact or fiction?
I just returned from a vacation that made me so tired, I needed a vacation to rest after returning home. That’s nothing new, as I really can’t recall a time when a vacation actually meant relaxation. My…
February: short-term month, long-term gain
This has been a busy month, and for a short month it’s been stocked full. The day job has been very busy, I’ve stayed on track with writing so that I’ve passed my minimum monthly word count…
Confessions of a book addict
Hi, my name is Paula, and I’m addicted to books. Reading books, writing books, buying books…That doesn’t sound so bad, does it? I was thinking back to my first love of books and I’m pretty certain it…
Letting memories drive passion, not stall it.
I’m pushing on through the muck. What is muck? For me, today, muck means “feelings.” Sometimes they hold you back, sometimes they can really mess with you, they can mess with your ability to function, and they can…
What can these things possibly have in common?
Word count, social media, death investigations, series Bible & inbox cleanup…they can’t possibly have anything in common. Absolutely nothing, except for the fact that they have all helped me stay on task for the month of January.…
Only humans can unplug to recharge
I’m having difficulty today taming the thoughts running around in my head – so much so that I have had a hard time figuring out what I’d really like to blog about today. Why the rampant brain…
I have to admit…change is a good thing.
Change – something I’ve always had an aversion to…and never really appreciated. I have my reasons and they are likely all textbook answers, but as the character, Popeye, is famous for saying, “I Yam What I Yam.” There…
Who are you going to be this year?
Play time in Monterey, CA The first full week of this New Year is coming to a close – how did the beginning of the New Year start out for you? Did you run at full steam,…
December Resolutions Update – Phase 4: Resolutions
The DAY is here…the day when we move into another New Year with high expectations that this next year can be better than the last. Whether you already had a good year and just want to…
December Resolutions Update – Phase 3: Progression
The day after Christmas – a day to unwind from the mad flurry of the holiday season, to recharge before going back to work (sorry if you had to work today), and to find some time to…