family,  relationships

35 Engaging questions to ask your partner

Last week I shared a post about my top 10 tips for a happy marriage/relationship and I thought this week I’d share a list of questions you might ask your partner to get to know them a little better. As I shared in my last post, I’ve been married for 30 years (but together over 34) and overall I can safely say I know my husband pretty well.

However, unless someone is a completely open book, it’s also safe to say we might not know everything there is to know about our partner. So I thought it would be fun to come up with some questions that might dig a little deeper into what a partner might think, remember or dream about beyond the normal ‘getting to know you’ sort of questions.

Rather than focus on super serious topics, I came up with a mix of questions I feel are fun, engaging or might require a little more reflection before answering. Honestly, these questions would work for a couple who has only just met, and also for couples who have been together for any length of time, but who have lost their way when it comes to deep dialogue or who might need conversation starters.

Here is my list of 35 engaging questions to ask your partner:

What was your favorite toy as a child?
Would you rather receive a visit from a ghost or an alien?
Out of any gift you’ve ever received, which is your most favorite?
Where do you imagine you will go when you die?
What part of the world do you hope to visit sometime in your lifetime?
What dream never came true?
Do you remember your first injury or broken bone as a kid?
What super power would you like to have?
Is there any choice or regret you would like to change or make right?
Which fictional character would you like to be for a day?
What do you wish you had invented?
Is there a famous person you would love to sit down and chat with?
What memory would you enjoy going back to if you could?
What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
What historical site or landmark would you like to see?
Which would you choose if given the choice: a hut on an island, a castle in a forest or a cabin on a lake?
What teacher from school do you remember the most?
What is your most unique trait?
What were your favorite shows as a kid?
Who is your favorite superhero and why?
What’s your favorite game show?
What’s your favorite board game?
If you had to choose a last meal, what would it be?
What’s your favorite memory with your parents when you were a kid?
What age were you when you learned Santa wasn’t real?
How many times have you been in love?
Is there something you still hope to achieve if given the time or the chance?
What’s your favorite memory with your best friend when you were a kid?
Who was your celebrity crush when you were a kid?
If you had to choose, would you travel to the moon or to the deepest part of the ocean?
What historical event would you like to see in person?
Who do you think is the scariest fictional villain either in books or on the screen?
What fictional place or world would you like to visit?
If you were stranded on an island, name five items you couldn’t live without.
What time period would you like to visit?

If you’ve only just met someone, these types of questions are not as intrusive when we’re not quite sure how much we want to share with someone. And when we’re with someone long enough, we know what our partner likes or dislikes and what they’ve experienced throughout their lifetime, but these types of questions can help us learn more about them while adding some fun to the conversation.

I hope you enjoy adding some or all of these questions to the conversation with your partner. Just have fun and see where the discussion takes you!