business of writing,  creativity,  productivity,  publishing

Quarterly Update: Creativity takes the wheel

October is here, fall is upon us and we’re that much closer to the end of the year. Are you ready to say good riddance to 2020? Same here. But we need to suck it up and get through the next three months first. Actually, I’m happy to report that I’m looking forward to the next few months because creativity has taken the wheel in an unexpected way.

This past quarter was tricky when it came to creativity and productivity, as I attempted to maintain balance in life while setting time aside for multiple distractions. The main culprit was an unexpected home project taking up a lot of time and energy from July through the end of September. Needless to say, staying on task with writing projects these past few months was difficult. While that project and other responsibilities sidelined me often, I did manage the following the past few months:


My latest novel, Born or Bred, was published the end of August. This is a YA novel about twins separated at birth, in a world ruled by those who control more than they should be allowed.

Website Building

I created a new website where I’ll share posts or updates related to Born or Bred and the YA genre. I don’t have scheduled posts but I hope to post more regularly on this site soon.


I’m working on the sixth novel in the mystery series, which I had hoped to be complete by now but finding good solid chunks of writing time has been more difficult. I’ll do my best to make up for some lost time these next few months.


I finally set time aside to begin catching up on overdue posts for Jozee’s blog (hikes and trips with my Border Collie), just a few here and there and not on any set schedule. I still have a ways before I’m caught up, but at least I’m making progress as I share beautiful trails and parks around the PNW.


For the past few months and also much of this year, I’ve made the time to read more often.


Everyone seems to be teaching online these days, offering webinars for one topic or another. I signed up for up for multiple webinars and summits relating to writing, marketing, goal planning, self-care and organization. I wasn’t able to watch every video but I was able to gain valuable tips and useful bits of advice.

Sharing Updates

I continued to share monthly newsletters…are you curious what I share? Click here for a sample and click here if you’d like to sign up for future newsletters. The newsletter for October will go out Friday, so you can still get on the list before the next one is sent out.


I overhauled my whole organization system with regard to my writing projects, editorial calendar and my personal to-do lists using Trello.


I updated my Facebook banner…how does it look? I’m also playing around with graphics for some other projects I’m working on, learning as I go but having fun at the same time.

It took me some time to fully set up my Trello boards how I like them, and I’ve been testing them to make sure they keep me on task. So far, so good.

Even better is the fact that organizing all my projects, lists and tasks have cleared my head so that creativity can monopolize more of my time. I enjoy spending time with creativity much more than I do with procrastination. And who wouldn’t?

What I’ve really enjoyed, as I take a serious look at the multiple projects I hope to complete during my lifetime, is a clearer vision when it comes to my projects and tasks. Namely, prioritizing what I should do now, can do later, and may decide to complete at some point whenever time or preference allows it. Crafting stories and spending time with characters is what’s fun about being a writer, but when it comes to marketing, social media, blogging, and overall reader outreach, what’s expected can be overwhelming as you do your best to keep up. Eventually, when those tasks begin to overpower creativity, it’s easy enough to become lukewarm or neglectful about completing them.

This is where procrastination moved over to let productivity and creativity take the wheel.

As I was running through my lists, I was able to pinpoint where I’m less prolific than I wish to be, beyond the desire to publish more often. Then I was able to brainstorm how I can be more productive, but in a creative way. A light bulb went off and I came to realize the business side of being an author doesn’t have to be…all business. It can be fun and it can be creative. It should be creative, not only to keep the interest of followers, but myself as well. After all, if I’m not enjoying it, how can I expect others to?

I’ve figured out how to let creativity take the wheel when it comes to the business-side of being an author, in a way that allows me to spend more time with my characters. And I’m excited!

Now I have an idea about how to have some creative fun and I have a game plan in the works. As with any project, it’s a work in progress as I figure out all the factors involved. And, because of additional responsibilities that currently require more attention from me for an uncertain amount of time, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to set my ideas in motion before the end of the year. If that’s the case, it’ll just give me something to look forward to sharing next year. And…for those who are on my email list, you might get sneak peeks because I may ask for your input as I work through my ideas. =)  

So get on that email list if you want to share your feedback as I work on creative ways to reach out to readers. In the meantime, I’ll continue to write and move toward publishing the next book!

Until next time…read on and be creative!