motivation,  productivity,  questions to readers,  quotes

When your get-up & get-it-done fizzles out some

We’re almost at the end of the first month of this brand new decade…how’s the year starting out for you? Are you still going strong in your attempts to make changes and reach your goals, or has your get-up-and-get-it-done fizzled out some?

Did you know that January 17th was Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day? Yep…there’s a day dedicated to ditch those resolutions if you want to do it guilt free.

While I don’t set resolutions any longer (mindful intentions are what I focus on now), I’m still setting goals and making task lists to reach those goals. And like any year, there will be a mixture of success and setbacks and with it additional lessons to look back on as I continue to move forward.

As we continue to move forward and work toward our goals, I know it’s necessary to stay motivated and I like to do that by findings quotes, helpful reminders or bits of inspiration to help me along the way. Whether it’s a quote on Facebook, a pin on Pinterest, a sticker I place in my planner or something I read in an article, I try to make note of anything that reminds me to remain focused on my dream and my purpose.

So I thought I’d share some of what I made note of during 2019 to help me along the way. I’m not only sharing them to inspire you but also for myself if I need additional reminders and inspiration during the coming year.

Most important task:

If you veer off course or flounder…always remember your WHY…and your PURPOSE. Your ‘why’ should motivate you and if the reasons behind what you do don’t resonate with your soul in order to drive you, you will eventually run low on the motivational fuel needed to feed your passion.

Favorite writing quote

“…search for the reason that bids you to write…then build your life according to this necessity.”

~Maria Rilke~

Expert advice:

Per Nora Roberts, remember the 3 D’s…discipline, drive and desire.

Looking ahead:

If you don’t set intentions, you won’t start taking action toward your dreams. Setting an intention is to commit to carry out an action in the future, with planning for tasks. An affirmation is to declare something is already true.

Favorite affirmation:

I honor my vision and purpose through the completion of my goals.

On writing:

Share stories you believe readers will enjoy, but always remember to tell a story that also means something to you.

Favorite quote from article

“The universe will bring you an abundance of opportunities and possibilities. It’s really all about trusting that before you got there, when you were sleeping, the universe was conspiring to give you something to blow your mind. Would you be open to receive it?”

~Carlos Santana~

Keep this in mind:

When we get overwhelmed, we waste all of our time doing low-impact tasks, like checking email, and which don’t make much of a difference in the big picture. (Mel Jolly)

Side note:

Kill procrastination!

Do this:

  • Commit
  • Be consistent
  • Be disciplined
  • Keep up with morning and evening routines
  • Identify daily goals, track goals and habits
  • Remember we are what we repeatedly do (Aristotle)
  • Focus on the 3 D’s…discipline, drive, desire (Nora Roberts)
  • Always remember your why

Made me smile:

I am a paper girl in a digital world – this is a quote from a sticker I placed in my planner and is me all the way!


What are you doing every day to challenge yourself?

Motivational quote

If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

When life feels so serious:

Remember to live with enthusiasm and joy and if you discover you’re just going through the motions without joy or enthusiasm, it’s time to get serious and make a change.

And always remember:

The past cannot be changed, but the future is yet in your power.