I May be Down but Not Out
November 9, 2013
You may have wondered where I’ve been, both here and on my Facebook page, ever since my last post the day before Halloween. As always, I have a good excuse for my absence and this one is a whopper.
When I began my blog just under two years ago, I intended to share whatever I could about the writing life of a newbie author. I planned to share the ups and the downs and my intention has always been to share my experiences and my thoughts about those experiences. I want others to know me not only as a writer and an author but also as a person who they can relate to and enjoy reading about on a regular basis.
While I like to keep certain elements of my personal life private, there comes a time when your personal life seeps into the equation when you’re a blogger, especially when it affects your ability to write. As of today, I should be nine days into my third novel while competing in National Novel Writing Month.
Instead, I’m way behind.
Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to spend the required time in my office and on my computer in order to diligently plug away at the first 50,000 words of my third novel. Today is actually going to be the first real good day of writing I’ll be able to get in so far this month. As much as I have wanted to write, I’ve had no choice but to take some time off while I lay low since undergoing surgery on Halloween.
You heard that right…surgery…on Halloween. I said it was a whopper, didn’t I?
It isn’t exactly where anyone wants to spend their Halloween but that’s the way it goes. It was no treat but thankfully no tricks were in play either, as I underwent surgery and spent some time in the hospital. I’m doing well and am now at home resting per doctor’s orders. I’ll work on the novel as I can and for those who have finished my second book and are anxiously waiting for me to complete the third, I may be down but I’m certainly not out. I promise I’ll be working hard on this next novel as I’m able and I’ll be doing my best to catch up on my word count for the writing contest, as well. There are times when life’s obstacles get in the way of upcoming expectations but I refuse to let them hinder me from attempting to achieve my goals.
As always, thanks for following and I’ll continue to share my progress as I move along with the next novel.
Until next time…
Trick…or Treat?
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