If I can’t QUIT my job, I don’t want to LOVE it either
Until recently, I hadn’t realized that liking my job vs. loving it would even be an issue. There are many authors who work while they try to write…it’s just par for the course. Until you can make a living doing what you love to do (or win the lottery, whichever comes first), you have to make a living doing what pays the bills (and covers your health insurance).
But what happens when you forget about why you got that job in the first place?
What happens when so many factors seem to pull you away from what you love to do?
That, right there, is where the problem lies.
When I get comfortable, I resist change. When I get complacent, I ignore the fact that there are other fulfilling possibilities out there.
Due to this, I’ve discovered I also don’t want to love my job. I want to like it and the people I work with but I can’t become satisfied to the point that I forget I have dreams to realize, I have goals to reach and I have so much more to do in this life than plod away at an 8 to 5 job (whatever happened to the 9 to 5 job?).
That is not where my mind needs to be.
So now what?
Until then, I’ll keep reminding myself that the day job can’t get in the way of the dream job.