What I would do if I took Summer Break
So why would I want to be a teacher?
Summer break is just two days away for my youngest…and I’m a tad bit jealous. I remember looking forward to summer break when I was a kid…or a teen, really. We’d go to the lake just about every single day. We would swim and ski for hours and the time in the water only increased our appetites, making the homemade fried chicken taste that much better. Now, as an adult, I have to say my dad was a trooper because he went to work in the woods as a logger every single day and I never heard him mutter a single syllable about how we got to play in the water all day while he slaved away in the hot sun.
But when your own kids are on summer break…those memories of summer freedom come back. The yearning takes hold. I’m not as much of a trooper as my dad was because now that I’m no longer working for myself, I yearn for the summers when I could set my schedule around my summer plans and spending time with my boys.
Of course, I can do all those things even if I don’t take the summer off but it isn’t an easy task to do everything. It just takes more effort, planning and perfectly managing my time (not an easy task these days). So how can I accomplish most, if not all, of what I would expect to do if I were able to take summer break?