Books: An escape for Adults; an Adventure for Kids
For those of us who might not remember that far back, here’s where a little thing called keepsakes comes into play. While I am not a hoarder, I will admit to being somewhat of a packrat but I have a better title for what I am…I am a collector of memories. I keep anything and everything that will generate some sort of memory for me, good or bad. It’s probably one of the reasons I got into scrapbooking.
Some books are simple, such as these hard bound books I had when I was a very young reader…
At one point, I moved on to Disney stories and a favorite of mine included read-along books with records. I even had two 45’s!
Except Run Wild, I don’t believe that’s Disney. I even remember when I was really into animals – well, I’m always into animals but there was a time when I adored books about animals and these are a few favorites I kept:
Another change in my reading habits began when I loved comics and one I got a kick out of was Spy vs. Spy. Think of Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner…but not as cute and a bit more devilish.
These are just some of the books I grew up with. It may be hard to believe I still have them after all this time but really, if you know me even a little, you know it’s not very hard to believe at all. These books are very important to me. Not only are they a part of my past and how I became an avid reader at such an early age, but they are also a part of my future as the love I found for books back then has only continued to increase as I grow older.
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