A Little Help goes a Long Way
I’m writing.
Basically, I’m feverishly attempting to make the deadline looming ahead of me.
So…I’ve looked around for some help in the area of blogging. While I had every intention of putting together an editorial calendar to make blogging easier, I’ve discovered I just don’t want to think that far ahead. I would also prefer not to lock myself into any specific topic because I know there will be days when I’ll come up with other ideas about what I want to say.
Where I finally found some help was on one of my favorite Blogs, the Self Publishing Team. Toni and Shannon took the time to put together a HUGE list of prompts for authors who blog. Really, it’s so large there are enough ideas for two posts a week for an entire year!
The work has been done. The ideas are there for the taking. I just have to pick a prompt and start typing away.
Getting this sort of help, as a busy working mom and author, is a treasure and I’ve decided I must put this treasure to good use. When I do use these prompts to share my thoughts, I’ve decided to label them “Pick-a-Prompt” so you’ll know I’m working from the list. If you’re an author, check out the list yourself if you’re in need of some blogging prompts. If you’re a reader, I hope you’ll enjoy the prompts as I share them and if any of the prompts I choose to write about end up prompting you to share something or ask a question, please do!
My Mother’s Day Weekend
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