How to Beat the Clock
I’m sure the prompter knew just how difficult of a question this would be for the prompted. So much of what we do is bound by time…it’s not very often someone can say they don’t know what time it is. Not being a slave to the clock is one of the reasons we enjoy vacations so much. It is why leaving behind all the time requirements of daily life is so necessary. It helps to rejuvenate us. We can’t always be a slave to the clock. We must also know what it is like to be able to enjoy the day as our body, mind and spirit see fit.
So how do we beat the clock?
Okay. Maybe that won’t work, although I’d love to take a club to my alarm clock in the mornings. It is very annoying.
Research has taught me many things when it comes to time management and I have attempted to make use of one trick or tip after another to find what helps me the most. Some tips work better than others but overall, together they all work very well.
Each of us has our own to-do lists, our own goals and most importantly, our own dreams. While we might not be able to beat the clock, we don’t have to be a slave to it either. We just need to work with the clock, manage the time we’ve been given and learn how we can make the most of each day.
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