The Learn-as-you-go Game
But plans do not always go as expected.
I blame my mistake on the fact that I was probably just too tired to pay attention.
I’ve always liked that saying.
So I had to wait. I had to stay away from the computer to avoid going batty from constantly checking for a message to confirm I was no longer locked out and could upload the correct file. I puttered around the house, went to a movie with my kids, cleaned up my gardens, put away the garden decorations and other summer items and even organized items stored in my shop. After that job, I decided I may as well organize my office now that boxes of files had been moved out to the shop. Of course, this meant being near my computer so before I began to clean, I checked for a message from the publisher. Seeing no message, I had to ignore the feelings of impatience and I got to work organizing.
I checked my e-mail. And still saw no response from the publisher.
Ah ha!
As I have said before one way or another, the learning curve in this business is huge. One new tidbit I learned from this process was that once my paperback is up and ready for print, I am automatically provided with a Kindle version of my book to upload as an eBook on Amazon. Considering the fact that I paid to have the original manuscript converted to an eBook (for Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes & Noble’s Nook) and it took some time to complete that process, I was surprised to receive a completely formatted file for a Kindle eBook immediately upon completing the final steps required for the paperback. Since I already have an eBook for Kindle available on Amazon, it’s not a file I need at this time but it is good to know for next time.
I just hope I remember all the little tidbits I learn when it’s time to do this all over again with the next book. While this blog is for anyone who knows me and wants to keep up with what I’m doing or for anyone who also might wish to publish a book, I’ll admit this blog is also going to be a reference for me as I continue to write and publish. I will no doubt make use of these posts as a reference in the future to remind myself of the little hiccups that pop up here and there.
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