Time to Manage Time Management
That’s quite a mouthful, don’t you think? It’s quite the task as well.
Wikipedia further introduces the wide scope of activities involved with time management, to include: planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling and prioritizing.
But why begin a project or attempt to reach certain goals with no assurance that you will see results on a timeline you can manage? It’s much better than waiting for results based on someone else’s timeline, as there are no guarantees when you do not take control.
I will first apologize for not posting at all this week but that was due to what this post is all about. While I continued to edit my first book and add more content to my second book, I was also working on a writing schedule that I could realistically manage with my new work schedule. In my attempts to map out a good schedule, I was not able to commit to blog posts for the week.
I have just about completed Writer with a Day Joband I will agree with the tagline that it is a book filled with “Inspiration and Exercises to help you craft a writing life alongside your career.”
After scrutinizing my schedule and the realistic amount of time I have available to write every day, I believe I have come up with a plan, which is the first activity when managing time as noted in Wikipedia’sdefinition. I have already set my goals and have mapped out a schedule. From there I will continue to analyze the time spent so that I can monitor whether the writing schedule is working for me. I am not concerned with the task of organizing; I can do that in my sleep. It is prioritizing that is most important and sometimes difficult to manage but with scheduled writing periods throughout the week, I believe I will effectively tackle that task.
It is so true when it comes to all aspects in life, really. Coasting through life might bring about less stress but for anyone who strives to do something with their abilities, their dreams, or plans for the future or what they hope for when it comes to their children’s future, a good plan can only lead to success.
Remember, sharing is caring. Or better yet, remember this quote from C. S. Lewis…“Nothing is really ours until we share it.”
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