Presidents’ Day…My 1st holiday
Tomorrow is Presidents’ Day…another day off from school and time off from work for many employees. This year it means more than that to me; selfishly is means the last day before I start my new job.
I guess now I can look forward to the holidays just like everyone else. Being self-employed the past 12 years, holidays did not guarantee a day off from work; it just meant I did not have to bother with getting my boys out of bed and off to school.
Another aspect with my new job is the condition that I work around someone else’s schedule before I take a vacation. On the plus side, I’ll actually get paid to take a vacation. Now there’s a concept I’m not used to as a business owner. I’ve been able to take vacation whenever I want to but the stress involved with making it possible to take a vacation is not something I’ll miss anytime soon.
The main goal for the road trips was to view national monuments, national and state parks, museums, amusement parks and other large attractions. On our last road trip, we traveled to South Dakota where we finally saw firsthand…
We saw Mount Rushmore, of course. It is Presidents’ Day tomorrow, after all.
But I was wrong. Yes, believe it or not…although I am an Aries, I will admit when I’m wrong.
Up close and personal, Mount Rushmore was an awesome sight to behold. It was remarkable. The feat of carving out the faces of Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln is difficult to comprehend, especially now that I have seen the enormity of the monument first hand. This was a job that took 14 years to complete after 800 million pounds of stone were removed from the mountain; talk about tenacity! Workers carved out eyes that measure 11 feet across, mouths that are 18 feet wide and noses 20 feet long, giving us an almost perfect likeness to each president with a 60 foot carving of each face. The carvings sit 5,500 feet above sea level and the workers had to climb 506 steps daily just to reach the top.
I think I’d be asking for a raise.
A Novel Beginning: Weeks 10 thru 13
From Hermit to Optimist
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