A Novel Beginning, Weeks 7, 8 & 9
This post includes Weeks 7, 8 and 9 from my writing journal. I added an extra week because one week had limited entries and because I would like to get to the end of this journal sooner rather than later. These three weeks I dealt further with character development, introducing new characters, the issues surrounding time management and my first act of bravery at finally allowing someone else to read some of my work.
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These three weeks of writing were fairly difficult for me. Not only was I working with new ideas and feeling “bad” about upsetting the main character’s life (although I was happy with how it moved the story along), I was dealing with a stressful time in my personal life and as a result the feeling of disappointment at not accomplishing my page goal for that time period. Of course, the issue with time management is nothing new if you’ve read my other journal entries. I may have been expecting too much too soon after writing for only two months and at the time, I did not realize it would still be another two months before I would finally complete the book. However, it was my motto “Don’t let life rule your passion” that helped me continue to find the time to write when I could and kept me going regardless of what was going on around me.
We Write and We Rewrite
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