What, or who, is stacked on your bookshelves?
I love to read, always have. When I was in grade school and middle school, I would look forward to the book order forms the school would send home with all the students. I would pour over the color photos of the books on display throughout the pamphlet and after carefully choosing my selections, I would wait with excitement for the book orders to finally arrive. It was always a special treat…getting new books I could take home to read at my leisure.
I still enjoy reading, when I find the time, but my choice of books has changed quite a bit from Black Beauty and Little House on the Prairie.
Mystery, suspense and horror are just the beginning…
And who can put down a good western?
But what about a good ole’ romance, you say?
But the list goes on and on…once I find a favorite author, there is no doubt I will soon own every book they ever wrote.
And yet another…
I love all types of stories and all types of authors. The real reason I even like a book is not because it might be written by an author in a genre I prefer but because it’s just a good story with characters I can relate to with a plot that sucks me in.
Don't let Life rule your Passion.
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One Comment
Martin Rc
My favorite John Grisham book is Bleachers.
Really the story was written about me!