books,  motivation,  quotes,  writing process

Don’t let Life rule your Passion.

I’ve been writing ever since I was a kid but it was more of a hobby than anything else, especially when school, college, marriage, kids and work took over my life.  After some time, I had the urge to do something real with my writing so I began to dabble with short stories and book ideas sometime in 2007.  However, life took over again as my husband and I finally decided to take on the dream of building our own home which left the rest of 2007 and much of 2008 filled with the obligations involved in that process. 

And what a process!  Thankfully, building a house is a short-term obligation.

I dabbled again with writing in 2009 and played around with more story ideas but in 2010, life once again took over.  This time the obligation was much more serious and involved the health of two dear family members diagnosed with cancer within six months of each other.  With many home visits, doctor visits, surgeries and out-patient care, there really wasn’t much time for my imagination to come out and play as my mind was seriously very worn out from stress.  While we did lose one family member to the cancer towards the end of 2010, I’m glad to say the other is a cancer survivor and is doing well.

Cancer is a disease I can spend a lot of time harping about so I will move on. 

I guess I decided I did not want to leave this world without accomplishing that which truly gives me joy.  Having a terrific marriage, wonderful kids and a job I enjoy are one thing and very much a blessing I will never take for granted.  However, I’m talking about what brings out the passion, the imagination and the creativity I believe we all can achieve in our own way. 

Are we all creative? 

Maybe not in the same way but we all have a passion for something, whether it’s writing, crafts, photography, painting, caring for animals, teaching, caring for the elderly or volunteering our time.  You just have to figure out what brings out the passion in you.

Ever heard of Chicken Soup for the Soul? 

I’m sure most of you have.  There is a book for everyone in all walks of life…you should make sure to check it out if you haven’t already.  You can find them here:

Anyhow, I was reading a book from the creators of Chicken Soup for the Soul called Life Lessons for Women: 7 Essential Ingredients for a Balanced Life.  One particular chapter hit me, titled “Take your passion and make it happen.”  In that chapter, I read the following:

“Authentic passion is the excitement you feel when you’ve discovered what you love.  When you are passionately engaged, you are totally present.  You are enlivened, focused.  You lose sight of your surroundings, you forget yourself, your struggles, your day-to-day life.  You’re connected with something larger than yourself, something magical, something sacred.”

I had already begun to seriously play around with the idea about writing an actual book about a year ago but the words I read in the above paragraph hit me hard.  I DO have a passion for writing; I do get lost in my work, putting away my own struggles for a time, connecting with something larger than myself and living in another world that to me is truly magical.   

This type of motivational reading, along with my husband’s wonderful support, are what made me realize I needed to move forward with my dream and desire to write.  Whatever happens, happens, but I will be happy taking a chance and doing something I have a passion for.  I believe Eleanor Roosevelt said it best with this quote:

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

If there is something you truly love to do but have been putting off because of life in general, don’t let life rule your passion.  Take on what brings out the life in you and what makes you happy.  Of course, we still need to make concessions for our family and other necessary obligations (watch out for the unnecessary ones).  Family should always come first but you can always find a way to make time for yourself.

There is no reason to believe it’s ever too late. 

And to top off the post with another great quote, remember this from George Eliot:

“It’s never too late to be who you might have been.”

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